Saturday, August 28, 2010

Swine flu symptoms - know the differences between avian influenza H1N1 and regular

Swine Influenza is a number one health problem worldwide. Swine flu or flu HI1N1 was detected for the first time in the United States in April 2009. The areas most affected was only Canada and Mexico before H1N1 cases began to appear in other parts of the world. In a short span of four months, the disease has spread to almost all regions in the world. World Health Organization has called H1N1 and pandemic flu epidemic as a means to involve the whole country or even world. In general, signs of a pandemic if the virus without immunity to arrest, which stretches across the world.

Risk factors of the swine flu Swine Influenza spreads from person to person like seasonal flu viruses spread. People at high risk of seasonal flu are also at high risk for influenza H1N1. For example, people over 65, pregnant women, children under 5 and those with chronic diseases and lifestyle diseases such as diabetes are at high risk. The symptoms of swine flu In children, symptoms of H1N1 are: A. rapid breathing or difficulty breathing. 2. Grey or bluish skin Three. Dehydration 4. Persistent vomiting 5. Not able to communicate effectively with people, get irritated Six. The symptoms of flu, cough and fever In adults, symptoms of swine flu are: En. Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing 2. Pain in chest or stomach Three. dizziness or a sudden loss of energy 4. Severe or continued vomiting Six. The symptoms of flu, cough and fever The symptoms of H1N1 are similar to those that people catch the flu, seasonal, as many things as fever, sneezing, coughing, body aches, headache, chills, sore throat and fatigue are common. Diarrhea and vomiting are also symptoms that are associated with some cases of influenza, also known as influenza A. How can I get swine flu?
H1N1 is transmitted in the same way as seasonal flu. Influenza viruses are spread from person to person through coughing or sneezing of people with influenza. Some people may be infected with the H1N1 deadly by touching something with influenza virus and then put your nose or mouth.
How can one with the swine flu that infect someone else? Infected people can infect other people actually on the first day itself, even before they have any symptoms. This means that there are also possibilities that you can use on symptoms of the flu before he or she knows that he or she is sick. How can I protect myself against swine flu? How do I take precautions against H1N1virus? There's no vaccine that can protect or be preventive against influenza H1N1. You can not maintain hygiene and take care to avoid spread of bacteria that can cause diseases such as influenza. Here are ways to prevent influenza:
A. Cover mouth and nose with a tissue when you sneeze or cough. Throw the tissue after you sneeze on it. 2. Wash your hands with a liquid such as washing hands or lifeguard Dettol, especially after coughing or sneezing. Three. Do not touch your mouth, eyes or nose. The bacteria can be spread this way. 4. Avoid contact with people who are infected. It's sad, but the disease is highly contagious. 5. If you are sick with the flu, stay home and not go to school or work. Limit contact with infected persons. Six. Do not venture into small areas. 7. To increase airflow into the room before you open the windows for ventilation. Eight. Sleep well, eat healthy foods and practicing healthy habits and physical activity away from the flu.
How long can the flu virus from pigs in things like doorknobs and furniture? According to medical experts, the virus can remain in the areas of environment and infect 2-8 hours after deposited on things like doorknobs, books, etc. H1N1 flu germs can spread by touching infected people or infected and then touching your eyes, ears, nose or mouth. Cough or sneeze droplets from an infected person can travel through the area. When a person comes into contact with droplets from sneezing or touching someone else's things like books or on the desktop of the person who is contaminated by droplets from sneezes and touches his eyes, mouth, nose, etc., before you wash your hands, you can catch the virus. What medications and treatment? Taking oseltamivir (Tamiflu) or zanamivir (Relenza) can treat influenza H1N1, but they should be taken in the early stages of the disease. prescription drugs or anti-viral drugs can cause the immune system strong and keep the flu from a distance and prevent them from reproducing in your body. So you should start taking antiviral medication in two days, we H1N1 or influenza symptoms.
How can I avoid contracting the H1N1 virus in areas with high risk? If you live in places where people have been infected by H1N1 influenza or flu-like symptoms above, you should stay home and avoid contact with these people. If you develop flu-like symptoms, do not leave anything to chance and have immediate medical help. Your doctor or your doctor can say if the H1N1 test is necessary. Is the WHO recommends using a mask?
If you are sick or live in areas of high risk is not necessary to use a mask. If one is near and dear to the H1N1 patient, you must use a mask that he will, in close contact with the patient. Discard the mask after exposure and wash and clean hands. By using the mask is really important because improper use of the infection spreading. How can I make the difference between seasonal and avian influenza H1N1? You can not make a difference without a medical verdict on him. Because the symptoms of both diseases are the same as cough, headache, sneezing, fever, runny nose, etc., only your doctor can determine if you have the H1N1 virus. In this case, the doctor suspected symptoms, your blood and nasopharyngeal (nose to mouth) and throat laboratories. Home Remedies for swine influenza: There are no home remedies, especially when you need to know about the virus H1N1 or influenza season. H1N1 need anti-virus, because the treatment is a matter of urgency. But you can prevent the spread of swine flu and strengthen the immune system as follows: A. Wash hands properly before you get a meal, not just with soap and water. 2. Wear a mask before leaving. If someone coughs or sneezes near you, cover nose and mouth with your hands or a handkerchief. Swine flu enters the body through the mouth and nose.
Three. Drink tea with lemon grass, because it has anti-viral. 4. Chew cloves of fresh garlic has antiviral properties as well. 5. Inhaling steam with chamomile or eucalyptus three times a day can relieve pulmonary congestion and prevent the symptoms of flu.

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