Saturday, August 28, 2010

Swine flu symptoms - know the differences between avian influenza H1N1 and regular

All swine influenza - H1N1

What are the swine influenza (H1N1)?
Swine influenza viral disease caused line is a new kind of UN influenza A (H1N1) Who you should never circulate people. The virus re-flow summer, first discovered in the United States in April 2009. The virus was named a summer swine influenza viruses because EST genetically similar to viruses usually cause who flu in pigs (pigs' CES animals, Wild Hogs).
Quels are the symptoms of swine flu?
The symptoms of flu-like swine are symptoms of the flu season: fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Diarrhea and vomiting are also reported in a number of people. A well as seasonal influenza, may be of swine influenza and severe Sami Mortal Certain IN CASE.
If interest in Avian influenza-like season, why are we so afraid?
The Seasonal Influenza A Year Every place, BUT beaucoup people in Ontario have no immunity Who Protects the disease. An additional vaccination against influenza seasons ARE IN available for the salary. The swine flu virus, a part interest in all other UN staff as New Most of us have little or no immunity. Consequently, the virus can spread very EC preposition and Touch beaucoup more people in Quebec Seasonal influenza. Neither the UN vaccine against swine flu.

"The swine flu virus contagious?
IS Virus Yes, the infectious and spreads from person to person. But spreading the EC stage one, a comment on Do not KNOW rebuilt the virus among humans. It also seems contagious as seasonal flu spreads in particular preposition "among young people (10-45 years).
Forward to Comment swine flu?
Swine influenza is spread from person to person by the way, the Sami Seasonal influenza. You can become infected if they inhalent by droplets expelled by infected person sneezes or coughs ONE. Drops may also like contaminate hands and surfaces other, can also become infected by contaminated surface and A what you touch If you touch your mouth or nose. So far the virus in pigs, you will not be seen Summer Transfer of humans to pigs Other animal OU.
"I can catch bird flu from eating pork or?
No, swine influenza virus infectious couple Foods. It's from eating properly handled and cooked pork. Influenza virus is destroyed by IS frying temperature of 160 ° F/70 ° C, which is widely used Pour the meat cook.
How severe is the disease caused by swine flu?
The severity of the disease varies from mild to severe disease symptoms Who FIP Death. A large proportion of people who are infected with the virus experience mild illness and recover hospital unit with no antiviral treatment of the UN. Home - The Rest, drink of beaucoup and use of UN IS IN painkillers most adequate CAS. (Note: no pain UN EST aspirin is recommended for children and young adults because of the risk of Reye syndrome.)

Who is at risk of serious disease of swine flu?
Pregnant women, people "who have already reconnu medical conditions that increase the risk for complications from influenza, explains what asthma, diabetes, heart disease and persons" with the UN weakened immune systems are more sensitive topics A to suffer a serious illness caused by influenza A infection. A significant difference compared with Seasonal influenza is that the swine flu has caused so far few cases and no deaths in people over 64 years.
Can I protect against swine influenza comment?
The UN now vaccine against swine flu is not available. But you can protect yourself against infection by avoiding close contact All (minimum 1 meter distance if possible) with people who have symptoms of influenza. The following additional measures to protect:
Avoid crowded places / Hide Time exceeded in overcrowded
Improvement of ventilation in the room by opening windows
Avoid touching your mouth and nose
Silent Blocks bottom lines with soap and water device uses a base of several Times of alcohol per day (IF coat You are in contact with potentially contaminated surfaces)
Maintain general good health, sufficient sleep, eating nutritious foods and be physically assets

Comments do I know whether swine flu might be?
It is not possible to distinguish the flu from the flu season, without trial and AN UN laboratory. If the area you live in Touched and symptoms of avian flu are similar to Seasonal: Fever, cough, headache, body pain, sore throat and nasal flow should take "all measures to pay RECOMMENDED A person with influenza. Only your doctor or medical center may be diagnostic UN confirmed influenza virus.
What should I pay to prevent transmission of influenza to those around me?
If you have symptoms of influenza:
Stay at home, which means that no one comes to the office, school, markets, or social gathering
Inform family and friends about their illness and try to avoid contact with others
Is intransitive and drink beaucoup Liquids
Cover your nose and mouth when you cough and sneeze at
If you use fabric, creating a grinder of them with Care. Wash immediately with soap and water pipes with a clean or s Hell disinfecting hands on a base of alcohol.
If you do not have a tissue nearby when you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth as big as possible, Que interior with elbow.
Wear a mask when you're surrounded by other
If possible, communicate with professional Health UN before the UN Make Health Center paid discuss whether the UN health examination Required EST
Should I antiviral drug in the United Nations to take or pay traitor or prevent swine flu?
No, do not take "No Drug antiviral Less than your doctor has prescribed nominal. Also avoid the purchase of antiviral drugs on the Internet.

Should I stop breastfeeding if I think I could have swine flu?
No, you should feed a sustainable unless you doctor advised to stop. Continue east of nature a Breastfeeding protects baby against infection by transfer of maternal antibodies and immune system stimulation.

Is it acceptable to pay to go to work on the OU school if I have the flu?
No, it is recommended to stay home if you have flu symptoms. It is important to protect your friends and colleagues who are Sick.
"Can I go if I have the flu?
If you have flu symptoms should not travel. If you are sick, but can not avoid contact or travel with others, cover mouth and nose. IT IS IN Recommended Use get in a situation. If you come to the United Nations will pay affected by the flu and flu-like symptoms, immediately communicate with the medical staff.
Should I avoid traveling to countries with avian button?
Some ministries of health in Ontario Citizens advised to avoid traveling to countries with avian button. However, WHO does not recommend any restrictions such as Voyage Voyage To The International Labour ll recreation programs preclude the expansion of population and sometimes with little effect on the spread of the virus.
WHO declares a pandemic virus to the United Nations. What is it meant to Quebec?
A pandemic is an infectious disease that spreads wide area A Sami in the world. If one is a pandemic disease, suggesting that spreads very preposition Worldwide. Then how WHO declares Quebec pandemic influenza swine influenza virus had been reported wages and 70 if he produces various parts of the world.
What interests the treatment of swine flu?
This flu Eastern Answers to two antiviral drugs called oseltamivir zanamivir at OU. This IS Prescription drugs that prevent the virus to replicate in your body. The anti-viral medicines, by making your disease and mild you feel better to pray to. It can also prevent complications of influenza graves.

How much time the flu virus live on surfaces such as tables and door handles?
Studies in Ontario showed that influenza viruses can survive on environmental surfaces and infect a person can get the most out of the UN to 2-8 hours after deposited on the surface.

What is the period of incubation of swine flu?
The incubation period is the time interval between the entry of the infection in Son body to the onset of symptoms. The incubation period for influenza is unknown, but may vary from 1-7 days, and probably more than 1-4 days.

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